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Call MORe at 630.324.8400 and we will verify your information and give you your PIN code. SentriLock does not give PIN codes. You can also change your PIN code yourself by logging into SentriLock via your card reader (old PIN number not required).
How do I change my SentriCard 4-digit PIN code?Get the Mobile App. The SentriSmart mobile app eliminates the need to update your SentriCard every day and is always with you – so long as you have your smartphone. As a benefit of your membership, the app is available at no cost. Check out the video to learn more about the app benefits and how to download it to your iPhone® or Android® phone.
Insert your SentriCard into your card reader at your computer. Type in your password and select the log-in option. You will see “change SentriCard PIN” at the top left side of your computer screen. Click and read the PIN code parameters on your screen. Type in your desired PIN code and save your changes. You can change your 4-digit PIN code as many times as you like, and you do not need to know the old PIN code to do so.
What is the difference between PIN code and password for my SentriSmart card?Apr 15, 2015 Sorry for the interruption. We have been receiving a large volume of requests from your network. To continue with your YouTube experience, please fill out the form below. The SentriSmart app is the software application Realcomp REALTORS ® currently use to access the SentriLock Electronic Lockboxes. The app has been redesigned as the new SentriKey app – and is a cleaner, sleeker version (see screen shots in this PDF) of its former self. Find SentriLock software downloads at CNET, the most comprehensive source for safe, trusted, and spyware-free downloads on the Web.
The PIN code is a 4-digit number used to access your lockbox key container. Your password is used to log into the SentriLock website.
How do I get to the SentriLock website database?Slide your card into a card reader and type in your password. You can also log-in remotely via the internet. Your SentriLock ID is your agent ID number (i.e. 123456-more). Your password is the same password you use to log into If you have forgotten this password, you will need to contact MORe at 630.324.8400.
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How do I issue a One-Day Code?Watch a video on the SentriLock site for creating and using a one-day code. Check out the following resource, Best Practices Regarding One-Day Codes.
It is important to note that all MORe members have access to the SentriLock system by way of a SentriCard and the SentriSmart mobile app. It is recommended that these two options be your preferred method of showing property.
Once you have been issued a One-Day Code, press enter on the lockbox to “wake up” the box. The lights should go on. Type in the One-Day Code and press enter. The key container should release. If the box does not “wake up,” you may slide a card into the slot at the bottom of the box to activate the internal mechanism to do so, then enter the One-Day Code and press enter. The key container should open.
How do I issue a One-Day Code from the mobile app?Follow this link for steps to generate a one-day code.
How do I assign a lockbox to my listing?Follow this link for instructions on how to assign a lockbox to a listing.
How many times can I download the mobile app?You are allowed to download the app as many times as you wish. However, you will only be allowed to switch between devices 10 times before requesting additional authorizations. For example, if you use the mobile app on your cell phone and then switch to your tablet, it will log you out of your cell phone app and into the tablet app. This will count as one switch between devices. It is in violation of the SentriLock User Agreement to allow access of the mobile app to non-SentriLock users.
How can I transfer one of my lockboxes to another agent in my organization?- Log into the SentriLock website.
- Pull up the lockbox serial number and select the transfer button.
- You will need to know the agent’s ID number that you would like to transfer your box to. Type in the agent ID. Their name will appear in a box for you to select.
- Submit your transfer and your box will show up in a “pending transfer” mode.
- The pending transfer only lasts 72 hours and then will expire.
The recipient will need to do the following:
- Renew their SentriSmart card via a card reader, insert their card into the lockbox until they hear a chirping sound, and renew their card again.
- The serial number will then appear in their inventory.
- Your other option for transferring a box is to contact the Mainstreet Member Services Department at 630.324.8400 and request a box to be transferred. Only an owner of a box can request a transfer.
If you have purchased a lockbox from an agent of another association, please contact Sentrilock Support at 877.736.8745.
The pending transfer only lasts 72 hours and then will expire.
Where is the training for SentriLock?SentriLock training and tutorials can be found at Log in and select the “Support” tab.
What do I do if my lockbox is not responding?Immediately contact SentriLock Technical Support at 877.736.8745. It is important to note that tampering with or trying to fix a lockbox on your own could potentially void the warranty.
I lost my SentriCard. How do I get another one?You may obtain a replacement SentriLock card at any of MORe’s locations Monday through Friday. There is a replacement cost of $20 plus tax. Your card will be activated immediately. You can also contact MORe and have a new card mailed to you. Prices are subject to change.
How do I purchase lockboxes?You can purchase lockboxes at any of MORe’s locations. The cost of the Lockboxes is $135 + tax. Download turbo booster for android. Prices are subject to change.
Can the SentriCard be “erased” with a magnet or magnetic field?No. The encrypted data stored on the SentriCard chip is secure and cannot be modified or erased.
How often do I need to update my SentriCard?Sentricard App
For security purposes the card expires daily at midnight. Update your card when you plan to use it via your card reader or by calling the technical support number on the back of your card when you are at a lockbox. If you update your card via the card reader after 4 p.m. your card will expire the following day at midnight. The system allows you 3 consecutive manual updates before requiring you to use the card reader again.